Hi, I'm Alissa. I move shapes around while listening to the Hamilton soundtrack on.repeat.

I have a BA in sociology with a concentration in linguistics from SUNY Geneseo and a certificate in graphic design and illustration from SMFA at Tufts University, which makes me the world’s preeminent scholar on how to pronounce “gif.”

My purpose in life is to make the world just a little bit more beautiful. I'm a designer by day and a couture seamstress by night; I sew because my pickiness as a designer doesn't stop at what's on the page or the screen. Clothing is wearable art, and making it provides the tactile experience I can't get on a computer. I made the dress I'm wearing in my about photo out of Liberty Tana Lawn using a self-drafted pattern.

Hi, I'm Alissa. I move shapes around while listening to the Hamilton soundtrack on.repeat.

woman standing wearing a wrap dress with her arms at her side